Top-quality pharma-grade Hyaluronic Acid available from Fidia

Fidia’s Hyaluronic Acid from fermentation has been recently granted the Certificate of Suitability (CEP, R0-CEP 2017-220-Rev 00) to the European Pharmacopeia, Sodium Hyaluronate Monograph, by EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines).
Certificates of suitability (CEPs) are accepted in all EU member states and in member states of the Convention on the elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia except Ukraine. Other non EU countries accept CEPs, some with conditions.
Fidia’s Hyaluronic Acid is produced in GMP-approved facilities and used in pharmaceuticals and medical devices currently marketed in over 100 countries worldwide. It is also commercially available in bulk, in ready to use viscosity ranges, for cutaneous and parenteral administration, including intra-articular administration, and intra-ocular use. According to theh client’s final use, Fidia is also able to produce tailor-made Hyaluronic Acid viscosities.
This adds to the fact that Fidia is among the very few companies worldwide with Hyaluronic Acid-based, FDA-approved products which are commercialised in the US, thus confirming the high quality standards, i.e. extreme purity of raw material and safety of the finished products, of Fidia’s production capacities.
Fidia has over 55 years of experience in the research into Hyaluronic Acid, holding more than 700 patents on different molecular weights, industrial processes, formulations, compositions, derivatives and applications.